The summary of this edition emphasized the challenges society faces in the 21st century regarding the relationship of storytelling VS. living in a technological era. We still need to communicate with each other, but ironically it is when we have the least chance of relating to everyone in a fraternal, leisurely conversation, conscious of the purpose of meeting around a steaming cup of coffee, a good wine or a social gathering. friends.
Accessing the world of storytelling is as natural as eating apples, you just need to be hungry for curiosity, have a passion for learning, motivation to navigate the rivers of knowledge, ambition for conquering greater territories of wisdom… Who does not want to get intoxicated with words that seduces, that move, which allows us to open the doors to what we want?
And in the tales we not only reflect ourselves as listeners, as dreamlike characters eager for other realities, but also we can tan ourselves with the sun of their stories, navigate ourselves in the sea of legends, and continually awake from the nostalgia of who we are and what we want to live…