Small Neighborhood Macondos | Belén

2023 | Local Government of Belén

Workshops, live shows and management – Promote in-person training spaces in the communities that will lead future live shows for the audience’s enjoyment and enhance the personal growth and empowerment of local neighbors in their respective communities. 


Art is inspiration, power, technique, practice and skill. Inspired by these experiences that this magnificent world can give us, the “Puro Cuento Festival” Foundation wants to activate communities, building a social web from artistic expressions. We focus on children, young people and their families with a breath of vitality. 

We plan these different workshops where participants will enter a world full of talent, enthusiasm and aspirations, not only to carry out different processes, but also to shape them as leaders who, even without our support, could continue themselves, training future storytellers, oral, theater or stilt-walkers of the community. 

General objective 

Promote physical spaces for training in the communities that will lead to live shows for public enjoyment and thus promote the personal growth and empowerment of people in their respective communities. 

Specific objectives

  1. Provide writing and speaking tools to improve communication.
  2. Entertain the public of the neighborhood with a varied and enjoyable offer for different populations, always being family-friendly.
  3. Preservation of the oral tradition of the community.

Workshop descriptors

  1. Integral growth of the participants.
  2. Human development through knowledge of soft skills.
  3. Projection to the community.
  4. Social artistic service.

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