
2015 | Reading a story is a solitary act

Diego Lasso narrates that reading a story is a solitary act that throws you to the couch, to the street platform, to the bed. And if it’s good, it doesn’t let you breathe or expel you from this predictable everyday life, mounted on the written pages of other possible worlds.

If someone else tells you a story, the story changes. We share together the attention or the indifference, the bad faces of many and the laughter of the writer or the drunkenness of the humid words with which the narrator bathes us in stories.

Listening to a story makes us fall and even forget about ourselves because from that story, we start living in another skin, in another body, in another path, in another story, in another joy, in another affliction, in another possibility…

In other words, we can be others or many while we listen, while we imagine, while we hide ourselves from our own shadow.

This edition of Festival Puro Cuento was inspired by Gabriel García Márquez.

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