Inclusive Campaign Against Bullying
2020 | “Puro Cuento Festival” Foundation An advertising campaign is carried out prior to each Puro Cuento International Festival to raise awareness about a theme that involves interest in society .
Free Love Stories Are Heard
2017 | “Puro Cuento Festival” Foundation The first edition of “We hear love stories for free” on Tico soil took place in Parque Francia in May 2017. In that edition, 35 people encouraged themselves to tell their experiences and anecdotes to strangers without a financial interest. The objective of this initiative is to promote coexistence […]
Tales Live la Plaza
2016 | Fundación Pausa Urbana y Museo Nacional de Costa Rica It is a project of appropriation and activation of public space through art. Held since 2016 for all types of audiences, where families come to enjoy a night full of art in the Plaza de la Democracia where they hear stories and music, see magic acts, laugh […]
Itinerant and Playful Caravans
2023 | Parque la Libertad / in collaboration with HulaHuleando Overall Objective To promote the comprehensive development of children aged 0 to 12 in childcare centers affiliated with Redcudi in Costa Rica through playful, literary, and cultural activities. Characteristics and Benefits of the Cultural Product (Service of the Project): The cultural product or service of the […]
2023 Blue Tales | How to be 100 years old and live to tell it
“En las tierras de Nicoya,donde la naturaleza es la felicidad,donde la vida es larga y plena,habitan los secretos de la longevidad.Allí, la narración oral es un arte,un legado que se transmite de generación en generación,una forma de preservar la historia y encudriñarteLos cuentos azules son historias de vida y pasión.” Objective: Gather stories of nature […]
CIMES 2023
Mercury Education and Health International Congress The International Congress “El Mercurio: Education and Health” aims to create a collective strategy for environmental education and health to prevent the use of mercury as a contaminant. It also focuses on promoting human health and environmental care within the framework of interdisciplinary, interinstitutional, and international collaboration.
Small Neighborhood Macondos | Belén
2023 | Local Government of Belén Workshops, live shows and management – Promote in-person training spaces in the communities that will lead future live shows for the audience’s enjoyment and enhance the personal growth and empowerment of local neighbors in their respective communities. Introduction Art is inspiration, power, technique, practice and skill. Inspired by these experiences […]
Golden Dreams
2020 | Local Government of Moravia “Golden Dreams” is a play that makes visible the psychological, social and property abuse that elderly people experience in that stage of life. As a result of the need to give this population voice and vote, and comply with the axes proposed by the World Health Organization for active and […]
Enlist Yourself to a Tell a Story
2020 | UNESCO and National Theater Studio Collaboration between the National Theater Studio and UNESCO for the development of thematic stories and collaboration with the educational backwardness in primary school students.