Training as Oral Storytellers / Cultivating Talents, Creating Dreams

2024 | Municipalidad de Montes de Oca  / Biblioteca Pública Faustino Montes de Oca At Fundación Festival Puro Cuento, we firmly believe in the transformative power of art and culture. Our mission is to foster artistic and social development in the cantons of Costa Rica through innovative and high-quality training programs. This year, we are […]

Yo soy de aquí – Embelleciendo Bajo Los Anonos

Times are tough in Costa Rica, but there’s still hope. Income inequality is on the rise, making it harder for people to afford basic necessities. This is where art and community action come in. “Yo soy de aquí – Embelleciendo Bajo Los Anonos” is a project that aims to improve the quality of life in […]

Literary Fantasy For An Empowered Youth

2022 | Iberbibliotecas / IAFA The project “Literary Fantasy For An Empowered Youth” seeks to offer safe environments and spaces to youngsters with psychoactive substance use problems who use the services provided by the Institute on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (IAFA). Through reading, art and culture, the main goal is to generate support in their recovery process. The […]

Afro-Costa Rican Cultural Tourism

2020 | “Puro Cuento Festival” Foundation Preserve and rescue through music, stories, theater and dance the Afro-Costa Rican traditions with the greatest social symbol and promote cultural tourism in the province of Limón.  The Afro-Costa Rican population is 8% throughout the national territory and we want, through cultural tourism, to rescue the forms and customs […]

Festival Puro Cuento 2021

2021 | Programa PICE / Municipalidad de Santa Ana Thanks to the AC/E Program for the Internationalization of Spanish Culture (PICE), which promotes and facilitates the participation of Spanish artists, we have the participation of spectacular artists.  Together with the support of the Municipality of Santa Ana, the 2021 festival managed to heal the wounds opened by the […]

Children’s Megaphone 2021

2021 | Proyecto enlace UCR Children’s Megaphone started as a university project from the course Pedagogical Paradigms of the Preschool Education program at the University of Costa Rica with the purpose of creating spaces for reflection exclusively for children to contribute to the national and international educational community through raising awareness of boys and girls’ […]

Words that Connect Us

2021 | Spanish Cultural Center in Costa Rica, Nicaragua  and El Salvador / Germen Nicaragua Exchanging a warm hug through our Central American history  “Puro Cuento Festival” Foundation (FPC) presents the “Words that Connect Us” project to offer a virtual and scenic space among Central Americans youngsters and as a result create synergy for future face-to-face meetings.  General objective  […]

“Claus Aunties”

2021 | Municipalidad de Moravia “Claus Aunties”, a scenic oral narration show that portrays diverse Christmas experiences and the second process called “Golden Dreams”, which is a play that makes visible the psychological, social and property abuses experienced by the senior citizens.   As a result of these two processes, there is a need to create the […]

“Puro Cuento” Math

2021 | Proyecto enlace UCR “Puro Cuento” Math is a unique and enriching show that combines the magic of mathematics with narrative art. This captivating performance seeks to promote the learning of logical-mathematical notions through stories and the ability to narrate aimed to preschool and primary education teachers. The “Puro Cuento” Math project, which was […]

Strengthening and Promotion of Literature through Virtuality 

2020 – 2021 | Ministry of Culture and Youth of Costa Rica / National Library of Costa Rica Miguel Obregón Lizano. Provide writing and oral expression tools to improve teachers’ communication skills throughout the country through virtual training where they are taught new educational and literary processes through storytelling. 

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